Season's Greetings and Best Wishes for 2016
No Owners' Meeting in January 2016 as there is insufficient urgent business. Notification has been sent out by the office.
Post Boxes Notices have been placed in the Post Boxes asking advertisers not to stuff the individual boxes with advertising literature. If the individual boxes become full, the post people take the post back to the Post Office. The boxes are there to receive post and so I have firmly, but politely, asked those who deliver the advertising matter to show respect for the postal workers and use the 'Publicidad' container at the side of the post boxes. Fingers crossed on this one.
Bench We have had a request for a bench to be placed near the car exit gate primarily for use by people waiting for lifts who in the past have used the apartment steps. Pisciblue who look after our gardens have sourced several stone benches which could be suitable. Providing the price is right a new bench should be in position in the New Year.
Apartment steps and ramp We have tried unsuccessfully in the past to find a company to clean and treat this area which has become rather shabby over the years....... mainly due to Taray not having sealed it when it was new. A test slab has been treated at the bottom of the ramp and is being monitored over the winter. Providing it continues to perform well, a quote to treat the whole area will be sent to us in the Spring. ABS, the company offering this treatment, will guarantee the work so it is in everyone's interest that we make sure that it is 'man enough' for the job expected of it in this area of heavy use.
Apartment Corridors The Ground and Top floor walls were painted earlier this year..... before the Summer. Jose Luis has now painted the walls on floors 1 and 2. Our cleaners will remove any marks as part of the weekly cleaning process.
Small Pool During the Summer, the chlorine levels in the small pool did not always meet the required standard and the small pool had to be closed on a few occasions for a short while. Pisciblue suggested that we have a new automatic chlorine dispenser fitted ....similar to the one used in the main pool which should prevent this happening in future. This will be done over the winter.
Annual Fees Thanks from the Committee and our Administrator for the prompt payments of the Community Fees. We have no new debtors.
New Owners Several properties have sold recently and I have welcomed new owners to our Community. Many have commented on what a friendly and helpful Community we are. ...... also that the complex looks well cared for and loved!
Phase 1 Maintenance The work on the Penthouses and Bungalows is almost complete for the moment. The garden walls (on the complex side or the road side) will be treated and painted in the Spring providing that the test wall shows that the proposed work is effective against the staining and the rising salts. It has taken a tremendous amount of work to bring this about and lessons learned will hopefully make the next stages run even more smoothly.
I hope you are as pleased with the results as I am. I think this area of the complex looks almost as good as new..... and there will be further improvement when the garden walls are done.
Decoman worked very discreetly considering the amount of work that they carried out. Yes, there was the odd incident reported but things were soon sorted and put right....... I'm thinking mainly of the TV cable that was left unplugged. We will certainly get quotes from them for future jobs but will also request quotes from other recommended companies to ensure that we get the best possible prices.
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